we are pleased to let you know, that after such a long time we finally have a big update on our freelancer theme. We have worked for months on this new update to bring some great new features, and make the already great features be at the level of the year 2018. Below you will see the list of added features, fixed bugs, improvements, but also a list of file changes in order to update to the new version (this of course if you havent used a child theme to do mods to your site, as we always recommend)
Added Features & Fixes
– made the theme compatible with page builder (we have tested and used extensively the elementor plugin free version, and works great)
– updated the gateways plugin and disputes plugin (they are present in the extra dev license)
– brand new desgin
– fixed responsive issued
– added license key feature
– added possibility to buy a native phone app (ios or android or both) when buying the theme
– better freelancer search feature
– added front page slider as widget (images, text and buttons controlled from admin)
– added freelancers browse widget
– optimized responsive menus
– optimized responsive tiny issues
– other smaller css fixes
– made the theme pass themechecker plugin
– login/register screens modified
– register screen, user can choose their own pass at registration
List of files that were changed
– functions.php
– style.css
– index.php
– header.php
– single-project.php
– lib/* (basically all files here)
– lib/my-account/* (same here, almost all files)
– lib/login_register/* (all files)
Boa noite,
Ao tentar importar o arquivo no WordPress aparece o erro abaixo:
“The import archive contains one or more invalid files. Please make sure the names of your XML files don’t contain punctuation marks like brackets, commas, quotes, etc.
Tente outro arquivo ou contate o suporte.”